Registration Information

Campers must be 12 within the year that they attend camp. For example, individuals may apply who are turning 12 on their birthday WITHIN THE YEAR (January 1 to December 31) they wish to attend camp.

Campers are invited to attend camp with friends. Please enter each friends name on the registration form so we can make the necessary arrangements.

We have a Waitlist for registration, and there is no fee to be on it. If the camp you are applying for is full, you will automatically be put onto the Waitlist. If an opening becomes available, individuals will be contacted in the order of the date they were added to the list. There will be 24-48 hours to respond, before the opening is offered to the next person.

Camp fees include all meals, accommodation, riding fees, cowboy boots, camp T-shirt, camp photo book, and tuck. Please contact us if you would like to apply for financial assistance.

If your child has special dietary requirements, please let us know PRIOR TO ARRIVAL. All dietary restrictions should be indicated on the registration form.